The Legend of Zelda
"In a realm beyond sight, the sky shines gold, not blue. There, the Triforce's might, makes mortal dreams come true."
What is there to be said about the Legend of Zelda? It's a part of gaming history that will never be forgotten. It shaped the Golden Age of Gaming and heavily impacted how games are played even today. The Legend of Zelda is easily regarded as one of the most accomplished series of all time.
Main Games
The Legend of Zelda
This was the first game in the series under the direction of gaming God Shigeru Myamoto, who was also the creator of Mario. The Legend of Zelda was inspired by Myamoto's imaginary adventures in the hills of Kyoto, Japan and was released in America for Nintendo in 1987. The game is set in the land of Hyrule. It revolves around the hero Link who must rescue Princess Zelda from the evil Ganon by collecting eight pieces of the shattered Triforce of Wisdom. Link must venture into many dangerous dungeons to collect these pieces, along with weapons that will help him in his quest. The gameplay in The Legend of Zelda is very linear, a key aspect that is missing in more recent games. When it was released it defied the simple categorization of it's time. The Legend of Zelda was able to combine adventure, role playing, and puzzle elements all at once, which was fairly unheard of at the time. The Legend of Zelda was also the first game that allowed players to save whereas games in the past required passwords. At it's time The Legend of Zelda was very complicated and intricate. Many of it's innovations became traditions in the Zelda series as well as other games to follow it.
"Link, you're the hero of Hyrule."
The Adventure of Link
A Link to the Past is the second game in the series and was also released on the Nintendo Entertainment Sytem. It was originally released in North America in 1988 and re-released for Gameboy Advance on October 25, 2004. This game was radically different from it's predacessor. It used by far more RPG elements which left many fans disappointed. In this game Link must awaken Zelda from an unnatural slumber by retrieving the Triforce of Courage from the Great Palace. To do this he has to undo the binding force that protects the Great Palace by placing six crystals in shrines scattered around Hyrule. This crystal theme is recycled in later Zelda and Final Fantasy games as well as other various RPGs.
"Eyes of Gannon are everywhere."
A Link to the Past
This game is respected as one of the greatest video games of all time. It was released for Super Nintendo and held it's number one rank for five years after SNES retired. It's success led to it's re-release for Gameboy Advance in 2002. A Link to the Past was able to expand The Legend of Zelda's style of gameplay and introduced many new features that are used today such as trading sequences, multi level dungeons, memorable weapons including the Master Sword and the Hookshot, and an environment the offered parallel worlds.
Before the game begins you're told of a legend in the land of Hyrule about a place called the Golden Land where the powerful wish granting Triforce is hidden. It was said that the evil Ganon found his way into the Golden Land and used the Triforce to turn it into the Dark World. To lock Ganon in the Dark World seven wise men placed a seal that could only be broken by their descendants. Years and years later this became a legend, and the wizard Agahnim begins collecting the seven descendants of the wise men to break the seal in order to release Ganon. When the game begins Zelda contacts Link telepathically. She tells him that she's trapped and that he's the only one who can save Hyrule.
"May the way of the hero lead to the Triforce."
Link's Awakening
This was the first portable Zelda game and was released in 1993. A color version called Link's Awakening DX came out in 1998 with many additions to the original. Not only was this the first Zelda that could be taken out of your home, it was also the first that took place outside Hyrule, without the Triforce, Ganon, or Zelda. The Link in this game is presumably the same one as in A Link to the Past. During a terrible storm Link is shipwrecked and he wakes up on Kohilint Island. To get home he has to wake the Wind Fish by playing the eight instruments of the sirens. The instruments are guarded in dungeons by the nightmares of the Wind Fish and Link must defeat each one of them if he ever wants to return home. Hopefully by playing the Ballad of the Wind Fish on the instruments Link can escape the "island" he is imprisoned on.
"Awake the dreamer and Koholint shall vanish."
Ocarina of Time
Ocarina of time was the first Zelda game released on Nintendo 64. It was produced by Shigeru Myamoto and released in America in 1998. It was the first Zelda game to use 3-D graphics and sold five million copies in just five months. It is one of the highest rated games of all time by critics. In 2002 it was re-released as a bonus disc when you pre-ordered Wind Waker (grrr...). Later that same year it was once again re-issued on a limited time promotion on the Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition for Gamecube.
In order to gain passage to the Sacred Realm, where the wish granting Triforce rests, one must collect the three spiritual stones and unlock the Door of Time. Ganondorf, the King of Thieves, desperately wants the Triforce and travels the land of Hyrule in search of the stones. As children, Link and Princess Zelda plan to obtain the Triforce themselves before Ganondorf can cause any damage. Link returns with the spiritual stones in time to see Zelda fleeing from Ganondorf. She quickly leaves the Ocarina of Time with Link and tells him to hurry to the Sacred Realm. With the combined power of the Ocarina of Time and the three spiritual stones Link opens the Door of Time. Inside the chamber Link finds the Master Sword. When he pulls it from the pedestal he vanishes, and Ganondorf easily reaches the Triforce. Seven years later Link awakens to find himself fully grown, and Hyrule a barren desolate wasteland. With the Triforce Ganondorf has become all-powerful and seized control of the land. The only way to oppose Ganondorf is with the aid of five powerful sages. Link sets off to awaken these sages and find Princess Zelda, who has gone missing since that fateful day.
"You're not a real man unless you have a fairy."
Majora's Mask
Majora's Mask is a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time and was released on October 24, 2000. It recieved a little criticism because gameplay was limited to a three day cycle, centered on the use of various masks, and required an expansion pack. Nonetheless it was given a positive reception for it's darker and broader storyline and plot. Following the events of Ocarina of Time young Link is attacked by Skull Kid, who is wearing a very strange mask. Link's horse Epona and the Ocarina of Time are stolen by the Skull Kid. Link chases after him and falls into the strange world of Termina where he quickly meets the Happy Mask Salesman. He tells Link that Skull Kid stole Majora's Mask from him, and that he will help Link if it returned to him in three days. Link promises and soon finds out just why he has such a short amount of time. In just 72 hours the moon is going to fall on Termina!
"You hadn't forgotten about me?"
Oracle of Ages
Oracle of Ages is a Nintendo game made in conjunction with Capcom. Although it was released for Game Boy Color special features are available when played on Game Boy Advance. This game was co-released with Oracle of Seasons on May 14, 2001. These two games had the ability to connect with each other via passwords or cables. In the Temple of the Triforce Link is without warning sucked into a vortex. He awakens in a forest and quickly goes to the aid of a screaming woman. The woman says her name is Impa and asks Link to help her find a singer somewhere in the forest. Later they come upon Nayru singing to the forest animals. Suddenly a shadow appears from Impa, takes over Nayru, and disappears. Impa tells Link that the shadow was the Evil Sorceress Veran and she is going to use Nayru to take over the world of Labrynna.
"When the past changes, so does the present."
Oracle of Seasons
Oracle of Seasons is the sister game of Oracle of Ages. It was co-developed by Capcom, had special Game Boy Advance features, could connect to Oracle of Ages, and was released on the same day. It also starts of the same as Oracle of Ages, except after Link wakes up in a forest he hears music. He makes his way to a clearing and sees a group of entertainers performing, particularly a girl dancing by the fire. The girl is named Din and she welcomes Link to the land of Holodrum. Suddenly it becomes cloudy and a voice claims that Din is the Oracle of Seasons. The voice is that of the evil General Onox, who kidnaps Din and leaves the seaons of Holodrum in complete disarray.
"It will be more fun if we dance
Wind Waker
The development of Wind Waker began in scandal and controversy. The new game utilized a technique called cel-shading that gave it a colorful and childish look, a far cry from the darker anime influenced Ocarina of Time. The public was split into two groups. There were those who embraced the new look as a return to the series roots, and those who labeld the new game "Celda" and shunned the kiddy looking grapics. Wind Waker was released March 24, 2003 and got mixed reviews.
Sigh... Anyway, Wind Waker takes place hundreds or years after Ocarina of Time where little trace of the shining Hyrule remains. Instead the game takes place on a vast ocean where Link lives happily with his sister Aryll and Grandmother on Outset Island. On his birthday Link is given a traditional green tunic like the heroes of old, just like all other boys when they come of age. However Link doesn't have time to celebrate because Aryll is kidnapped by a giant bird sent out by the evil Ganondorf. Link must join a band of pirates to cross the ocean and rescue Aryll .
"Do not betray my expectations."
Twilight Princess
Twilight Princess is the highly anticipated new Zelda game. It was officially set to be released in November 2005, but it was delayed for content, finetuning, and promises of an unheard of 100 hours of gameplay. Nintendo has stated that Twilight Princess will come out after the current fiscal year, which ends March 31, 2006, making the earliest possible release April 2006. Little is known about Twilight Princess because only a few trailers and screenshots have been available to the public. From what we can tell Link starts of as a wrangler of sorts. When he leaves his home village he ecounters the Twilight Realm, a sort of dead zone that is slowing eating away at Hyrule. Coincidentallly, Nintendo has used a minimum amount of cel-shading in Twilight Princess.
"The last ray of hope for a dying realm."
Four Swords
Four Swords was released on December 2, 2002 as a multi player game for Gameboy Advance. It was included re-released version of A Link to the Past. Up to four players could compete and it was designed entirely by Capcom. Gameplay in Four Swords is much different than other games in the series. When the great wind mage Vaati breaks his imprisoning seal he kidnaps Princess Zelda and retreats to his castle. Link must use the power of the Four Sword to gain the approaval of the Great Fairies and rescue Zelda.
Four Swords Adventures
Four Swords Adventures is a collection of games that came out on June 7, 2004 and utilized the GBA-to-GameCube cable. Hyrulean Adventure is an episodic, cooperative multiplayer adaptation of the conventional Legend of Zelda gameplay. It uses the same mechanics as Four Swords, but a single player option is availble. In Shadow Battle players fight for supremecy. Four different color Links are available and they use various weapons to attack each other. Navi Trackers was only released in the Japanese version. Multiple players had to search for members of Tetra's pirate crew from Wind Waker.
The Minish Cap
The Minish Cap was also developed by Capcom and released November 12, 2004 for Game Boy Advance. The Minish Cap is based on cartoon-like visuals like Wind Waker and Four Swords. In this game Link uses a cap named Ezlo to shrink to the size of the Picori, a race of thumb size people who call themselves the Minish. The Picori come to Hyrule every 100 years to give gifts to the Hylians. Their coming is celebrated in Hyrule with a sword fighting tournament. This year the winner unknown Vaati. He breaks the sword given by the Piccori long ago and turns Zelda to stone.
Tingle RPG
Very very little is known about the Tingle RPG. It will be released for Nintendo DS and stars Tingle, a character who first appeared in Majora's Mask.
Alternate Versions
BS Zelda
Broadcast Satellaview Zelda was an expanded version of The Legend of Zelda that was released for the Satellaview attachment of the Super Famicom in Japan. It was broadcasted in 1995 and 1996. Nintendo expanded your rupees from 225 to 999 and revamped all the dungeons.
BS Zelda: Kodai no Sekiban
BS Zelda: Kodai no Sekiban a.k.a. BS Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets was the second quest for A Link to the Past available in Japan. It was released in 1997 and rebroadcast in 1998. It was mostly identical to the original, except many things were cleaned up. Instead of collecting three pendandts and seven crystals the player collected eight stone tablets. Walls that were notabley cracked in A Link to the Past were still accessable, but invisible to the player.
Ocarina of Time Master Quest
This was released as a bonus disc when you pre-ordered Wind Waker. It's identical to Ocarina of Time with the exception of improved dungeons and more difficult enemies. The story is exactly the same. Most of the time knowledge from dungeons in the previous game leads you in the wrong direction for this one.
Collector's Edition
On this disc many old Zelda games are compiled and re-formatted for Gamecube. It contains the Legend of Zelda, Adventure of Link, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and a twenty minute demo of Wind Waker. Collector's Edition was only sold in a bundle with Gamecube for a short time. It was also given away as a prize in Nintendo contests.
Mystical Seed of Courage
Mystical Seeds of Courage was planned to come out for Gameboy Advance as the third member to the Oracle series. It was scrapped because of problems in the debugging process.
CD-i Games
Link: The Faces of Evil
This game was developed by Animation Magic and was released in 1993 alongside The Wand of Gamelon for the Philips CD-i. What? You've never heard of the Philips CD-i? That's because it was a massive failure. The CD-i games are barely even recognized by the Zelda community because of their low quality. It takes place when Hyrule is finally at peace and Link finds himself very bored. He is informed by a wizard on a flying carpet that Ganon has taken over the island of Koridai and that Zelda is being held captive by him. Only Link, aided by the Book of Koridai, can help.
Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon
Wand of Gamelon was released on the same day as The Faces of Evil for the Philips CD-i system. It is the first game where the player could control Princess Zelda. The King of Hyrule disappeares after leaving to make a treaty with Duke Onkled. When Link sets out to find the King he also disappears. The only person left to rescue the two most important people in Hyrule is Zelda.
Zelda's Adventure
Zelda's Adventure was developed by Viridis and released in 1994 as a semi-sequel to The Faces of Evil and Wand of Gamelon. An Age of Darkness has swept over the land of Hyrule. Zelda has to save the day because Ganon has kidnapped Link (hey wait...). She learns from the astronomer Gaspra that she must collect seven celestial signs to rescue Link and bring Hyrule back into an Age of Light.
Super Mario Bros. 3 When you play the magic whistle it plays the same tune as the Zelda flute, and even sweeps you up in the same fashion.
Tetris When you complete Game B on speed 9, height 5 you get a scene with a bunch of Nintendo characters, and Link is there playing the flute.
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest If you beat the game without enough DK coins to get into Cranky's Hall of Fame Link will be shown in the third place spot.
Super Mario RPG: Legend of Seven Stars When you spend the night at the Rose Town Inn the next morning you find Link sleeping in the bed next to you. If you try talking to him you'll hear the Zelda tune.
Kirby Super Star In the Great Cave Offensive the final treasure on the list is the Triforce. Also, when Kirby gets the sword ability he wears a green hat and some of his moves are quite similar to Link's.
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble Buy the shell from Bazaar's General Store, then talk to him again. Ask him about the castle, but refuse to pay his price for the story. He will tell you that a young boy named Link was asking about the castle, paid some rupees for the story, and left complaining that Bazaar's shells were the wrong shape. This is probably referring to Link's Awakening.
Yoshi's Story On stages 2-3 and 2-4 you can see the word Zelda in the background.
Super Smash Bros. Link was a playable character, Hyrule Castle was a battle stage, and heart containers are usable items.
Mario Golf One of the courses is called Link's Club it's emblem is the Triforce.
Super Smash Bros. Melee This one's kind of long. Playable characters are Link, Zelda/Sheik, Young Link, and Ganondorf. Zelda battle stages are the Great Bay and Hyrule Temple. Items include the bunny hood and the heart container. Zelda related trophies are the bunny hood, four giants, Ganondorf, Ganondorf [Smash 1], Ganondorf [Smash 2], Goron, heart container, Like Like, Link, Link [Smash 1], Link [Smash 2], lon lon milk, Majora's Mask, Marin, Master Sword, moon, Ocarina of Time, octorok, ReDead, Sheik, Sheik [Smash 1], Sheik [Smash 2], Tingle, turtle, Young Link, Young Link [Smash 1], Young Link [Smash 2], Zelda, Zelda [Smash 1], and Zelda [Smash 2].
Animal Crossing Geez, there's lots here too. Sometimes Kappin asks you if you've ever spent a night in a Hylian prison. Gulliver sometimes claims to have left his girls in Hyrule. The Triforce is pictured in Katrina's tent. Gracie sometimes boasts that the shirt she's wearing was part of last year's Hylian line. Sometimes if you peek in people's closets you'll find 100 rupees. A reference is made to the Hylian Loach in Ocarina of Time when you catch a loach. The Master Sword is a piece of furniture. The Anju and Kafei shirts are named for characters from Majora's Mask. You can unlock Zelda designs with e-cards. It is also said that you can obtain the complete Legend of Zelda game and play it on Animal Crossing. Phew.