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Kingdom Hearts 2

by Kristen Kernats last modified 2006-04-02 06:59 PM

"You know, you're lucky Sora. It looks like my summer vacation is over."

Kingdom Hearts 2 is another collaboration between Disney and Square Enix, each contributing large amounts of their respective characters. The Japanese version was released on December 22, 2005 and the American version was releasedon March 28, 2006.

One year after Kingdom Hearts takes place boy named Roxas becomes anxious of the strange things happening in his home of Twilight Town. Sora, Donald, and Goofy return from their adventure in Castle Oblivion. The Heartless are still a threat, as are a separate force called the Nobodies lead by Organization XIII. Sora and friends set out to defeat the darkness once and for all, locate Riku and King Mickey, and return to Destiny Islands where Kairi awaits them.

"What becomes of a body and soul that has lost it's heart?"



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