And so one day the girls of the circle decided to ask Ben and Joe to Turnabout. Each guy would have three or four girls to himself... making them official pimps. We all went to pep band and had a grand time at Burger King later. We decided we were all way to cool and broke to go to the dance, so instead we opted for a party chez Christy and Debbie
Click here to read the note!
Ben doing his Spanish. Gawd.
Ben doing his Spanish with a lightsaber.
Saba is obviously on the dark side.
Nicole by the secret Beister Cave.
Kristen defending it to the death!
Uh-oh, that's not Christy's Seinfeld jacket!
Ben was so mad. Look at the emotion!
Wary of cooties when it was returned.
Feelin' the jacket love.
Debbie and Matt's poking contest.
Saba was sick, but we asked Matt for the cure.
Ben's Larry wig traveled upward.
Nicole's looking for love... again.
Looking out for the eye patch guy.
"It was all too easy." "Like Ben's MOM!"
"Because you keep eating!!!"
"So, anyone watch the Colbert Report?"
"What'd you say about scorpions Joe?"
Holier than thou.
Shadime. There I said it.
Saba was the Connect Four Champion.
Nicole partying like a wild crazy animal.
A picture of Christie! Holy Smokes!
Celeste wanted a nose job.
Christy showed my who Leroy was.
What in God's name...?
Wait! There's more on Page Two!