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The Zelda Scandal

by laufer last modified 2006-11-24 05:30 PM

The events that passed at Space World 2001 will go down as the STUPIDEST decision Nintendo ever made.

But the story begins a few years prior to Space world 2001. At the end of 1998 Nintendo released the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It was one of the greatest games ever created, and Zelda fans rejoiced. It was the first three dimensional Zelda game...

...and we believed things couldn't get much better.

But they did! A few years later rumors circulated about Nintendo's next console... Gamecube. Nintendo claimed that the graphics for this new system far surpassed those of Nintendo 64. The community was speculative until Nintendo released these screenshots at Space World 2000...

This highly realistic Link astounded everybody.

Gamecube was seemingly a system created by God. While Nintendo warned us these were not neccessarily screenshots for a new game Zelda fans still happily waited for the coming of the most realistic and powerful Zelda game of all time. Truthfully... Nintendo was only toying with us. Just one year later at Space World 2001 they unveiled this...


The majority of the Zelda community was furious. With an angry, "SCREW YOU NINTENDO," fans banned not only the new Zela game but even the upcomig Gamecube. What happened to the Link we saw just one year ago? WHERE WAS HE? Shigeru Myamoto explained that he wanted to take Zelda in a differnt direction because realistic games were becoming too violent for young children. The Legend of Zelda was no longer a historic game of of heroes, chivalry, and nostalgia, but an, "interactive cartoon for all ages." Zelda had lost it's darker adult anime influences and followed down the American path of The Powerpuff Girls and Samurai Jack. There were extreme radicals who hated Celda from the start, but most of us still hoped for the top-notch gameplay we had come to expect from Zelda. Suffice to say Celda fell a short of everyone's expectations. Yes, the Zelda Community was sad, angry, and confused for many years until Space World 2004...

The Zelda game that brought tears to our eyes.

Finally Nintendo had answered our prayers. Twilight Princess looked far greater than the screenshots of Space World 2000. Now with a sigh of blissful relief we wait for Spring of 2006. Just goes to show if you wait eight years and hurt Nintendo's bank account that dreams really do come true.


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