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Princess Zelda's Evolution

by Kristen Kernats last modified 2006-03-11 12:32 PM

Princess Zelda has always been the namesake of the series, yet she has never been a playable character. She shares a deep bond with Link that is not superficially apparent, and provides the purpose for his quests. To maintain her purity, Zelda hides her immense powers under a persona of weakness by sending Link to battle evil. She plays an important underlying role by secretly maintaining control of the events in the games. To Ganon she represents ultimate good, something he will never become. To Link she is the damsel in distress who directs his courage against evil. This is the integral cycle that repeats itself in The Legend of Zelda.

"I thought that would be our best chance... "

"I dragged you into it, too. Now it is time for me to make up for my mistakes..."

"All the tragedy that has befallen Hyrule was my doing... I was so young..."

"Ganondorf, pitiful man, without a strong righteous mind, he could not control the power of the gods."

"When peace returns to Hyrule, it will be time for us to say goodbye."


The Legend of Zelda


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