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Anti Turnabout 2

by Kristen Kernats last modified 2006-04-28 03:08 PM

And so the festivities began. We spent the beginning of the night waiting for Ben. We were sure he had died on the icy roads, and we rejoiced when he arrived. Really. The evening was fraught with Connect Four, Mr. Kellan pop, Captain Picard, and the drama llama.

People always take my lightsaber :(

Yeah that's right, we danced.

They got a kick out of my family stories

Christy by the food area.

Joe's gettin' his groove on.

You can tell b/c his feet are moving.

"I don't even know who that is."

Numba one in da hood G.

Another satanic picture of Ben.

And Debbie just shook her head.

Christy chillin' out.

Why can't they keep their eyes open!?!

"I can't believe the end lights up!"

Even Christie played with it.

Joe on

Nicole watches intensely

"He's going to kill himself!"

Party theme= Drama Llama.

Monitering the llama situation.

Asians online.


"Those socks haven't been washed."

Groovin' to Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

The comfy basement couch.

And they say white guys can't dance.

Ben talks about weird things.

Saba attempted an normal conversation.

And gave up.

Would you give that back now!?!?

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