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Great America 2005

by laufer last modified 2006-04-28 03:07 PM

The marching band from Glenbard East takes a trip to Great America every year, and this year was better than ever. Here are some pictures I took on our crazy day. You can click on the pictures to make them bigger. At least I think you can. I don't really know what I'm doing. Or you could right click and save the pic, or you could copy and paste it to your desktop. Whatever works.

Nicole with her Red Bull on the bus.

Saba tries to imitate Nicole's cute pose.

Vito puts his poker face on.

Isn't Matt like... 6'3"...?

Saba took my camera!

I was not present for this.

Celeste up close and personal.

Vito tries to block my camera, but fails.

Cuddling before riding the Viper.

Joe can lick his elbow. I'll show you later.

This is our Director... Devany.

Tyler decides to try on a... purple jacket.

Tyler attacks a terrified Devany!

Nicole poses with a random trumpet guy.

This is a Toblerone.

They went on a water ride on a cold day.

I said, "I told you so," and got hugged.

Matt, Nicole, and Vito on the toboggan ride!

Saba, Christie, and Joe quickly follow.

Celeste's conspicuous tatoo.

Nicole sees it and flips out.

Vito can't wait to ride Batman.

Nicole and Matt are dating!

I bought a lollipop.

Celeste eats a pretzel. Isn't she lovely?

Brian pelvic thrusts a random table.

I hate this thing.


Vito attempts to lick his elbow and fails.

Celeste gets caramel all over her stuff.

Vito is pimpin' in Celeste's glasses.

Tyler attacks AGAIN on the way home!

Well that's all. Do with these what you will.





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