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AT&T CampInfinity

by admin last modified 2005-10-01 10:28 AM

Welcome to the AT&T CampInfinity web site!

AT&T CampInfinity took place in summer 2005. The campers developed web sites about careers in science and technology, and meet with women mentors from a wide variety of disciplines.

The campers all continue to update their web sites with news and career ideas. To see the wonderful sites the campers created click here .

Loyola University Chicago's Water Tower Campus

Loyola University Chicago and AT&T are proud to offer Camp Infinity to engage young women, and show them the potential and excitement of science and technology careers. Created in 2001 by Loyola University Chicago, the camp aims to attract more women to science and technology careers.

1st session campers

If you want to follow this path, you may know there is a shortage of female role models. Luckily, at Camp Infinity you will hear from and be mentored by successful businesswomen, university students and entrepreneurs, all of whom have conquered obstacles and made their dreams come true. You will be inspired by these women, in addition to being surrounded by other young women with similar interests.

Here are the 2nd session camp participants from both College of DuPage and Loyola University Chicago on their joint tour of the Loyola Water Tower Campus.

See what your future can hold… endless possibilities

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