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Chicago Trip 2005

by laufer last modified 2005-12-28 11:27 PM

Kristen and her family...that she still hasn't written about... went on a splendid trip to Chicago and did cool stuff at Navy Pier.

My Dad with his knight in shining armor.

I'm under a sign for the Billy Goat Tavern.

Jill, Dad, and Meg on the huge ferris wheel!

A nice scenic shot of the Chicago skyline. I have talent.

The swing ride from an aerial view.

A snap of some exciting things on the pier.

Yet another talented pic of Chicago.

This is a wheel. Its a crucial in moving the ferris... wheel.

Ryan in a terrified frenzy on the ferris wheel.

My mom in front of some Chicago plants.

Dad and Ryan check out the boats.

The Chicago Shakespeare Theatre.

Me and my pirate homies chillin' by the lakefront.

A boat.

About fifty of these guys stampeded us all at once! Crazy!

Jill, Mom, and Ryan chill out by the beer garden

Really cool out of focus ducks.

A boat.

A boat... with a pirate flag!

A thing. I dunno what it is.

This bird wanted to kill Ryan. We'll never know why.

This kid got birds to fight with his popcorn. He was cool.

An urban bird with attitude.

Our last stop of the day...

Ryan and his IPod on the ride home. I play with my camera :(

Mom and Dad finally get their anniversary started.

We end the evening with pina coladas.

Scout accomplished many things while we were away.



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