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Winter Concert

by Kristen Kernats last modified 2006-04-28 03:08 PM

On the day of Glenbard East's Winter Concert we were talking about Beloved in English. We discussed the character 7-0 and decided that he was the founder of the 7-11 convenient stores. That night the concert went swimmingly. No one even stole Saba's clothes. We hung out at a 7-11, coincidentally, afterwards, and had a grand little time.

Ben was supposed to wear a dress.

When your camera flash goes NUTS.

A formal event in flip flops.

Nicole flashing people... again.

An excitable Devany.

Don't touch Ian, he's too cool.

Someone snapped a picture of me.

Bargain hunting at 7-11.

Let's count Kristen's life savings...

Sympathy loan.

We got kicked out... for some reason.

"Is this how it ends???"





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