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Maria del Carmen Saenz

by laufer last modified 2005-08-23 12:01 AM

Camp Counselor

My name is Maria Saenz, I am finally a Junior here at Loyola University! I am majoring in Computer Science and attaining minor's in Women Studies and Criminal Justice. I am also Gannon Scholar and Magis Scholar here at the University. I believe with the skills and achievements that I gained through out my academic career I will be able to help the officers make this camp great!! I also believe I can learn alot from every one who is helping and attending the camp.

At the moment I work at the beach, as a lifeguard. I've been doing this gig for about 5 summers and I love it! In my spare time I make websites for many organizations, including working on Loyola's Compu Sci Site. When I need some time away from the creating and code writing I play waterpolo, swim and go dancing!

I hope all of you enjoy this camp and have a good time!!

"When in doubt......"

Oak Street Beach Album

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