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Outlaw Star

by laufer last modified 2005-12-28 11:25 PM — expired

“It could just be a simple matter of one coincidence after another, but this is a weird crew we collected.”

Gene Starwind and his ten year old accomplice Jim Hawking run a jack-of-all-trades business on a backwater planet, but they get in over their heads when they agree to bodyguard for a mysterious woman. They come into possession of the incredibly human-like android Melfina, and the highly advanced prototype spacecraft the XPG15A-II, which Gene dubs the Outlaw Star. As the story unfolds it becomes clear that Melfina and the Outlaw Star are the keys to finding the Galactic Leyline, a wish granting construction hidden somewhere in the galaxy. The assassin Twilight Suzuka and cat-like humanoid Aisha join Gene's crew, and they must stay one step ahead of the Key Pirates who will stop at nothing to find the Galactic Leyline.

“Look Gene Starwind, don’t you hear that voice deep inside of you telling you to work harder in order to pay for that bar tab you racked up yesterday?”



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