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Kingdom Hearts

by laufer last modified 2006-03-11 11:14 AM — expired

"I've been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?"

Released in Autumn 2002, Kingdom Hearts is known as the result of the collaboration between Disney and Sqaure. Sora, Riku, and Kairi long to escape the island they have lived all their lives on. They build a raft, but the night before they plan to leave an immense storm hits and evil shadows called the Heartless attack. In the confusion they are all separated and Sora discovers that he is able to weild the legendary Keyblade. After battling the Heartless Sora's home is lost and he finds himself lost in a new world. With the help of various Disney and Final Fantasy characters Sora resolves to find Riku and Kairi, and destroy the Heartless

"That's not true! The heart may be weak, and sometimes it may even give in. But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out!"



Anime and Videogames


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