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Ceres: Celestial Legend

by laufer last modified 2005-12-28 11:28 PM — expired

"Love is not perfect or eternal... Things change, people change, but we can't just forget. We, as women, have no choice but to accept it and take it in."

Did your family try to kill you on your sixteenth birthday? Aya's did when she was shown the mummified hand of one of her ancestors. When Aya saw it immense power welled within her, while multiple lacerations appeared out of nowhere on her twin brother Aki. Upon witnessing this their own grandfather declared that Aki was the heir to the Mikage family empire, and that Aya had to die. They moved in to kill her because she was the reincarnation of an extremely powerful celestial maiden, or tennyo. Long ago the founding member of the Mikage family stole the celestial robes of a beautiful tennyo. Without them she was unable to return to heaven, so she tearfully became the man's wife and bore his children, thus beginning the Mikage line. Now this tennyo, who calls herself Ceres, is trying to take over Aya's body. Ceres demands her robes returned to her and will stop at nothing to destroy every last Mikage. Aya narrowly escaped her family with the help of the mysterious and handsome Tōya and found refuge with the wealthy Aogiri family. That's not all for Aya though, because she soon finds out that Aki is the reincarnation of the very man who stole the celestial robes, which only adds to Ceres' furious rage. Taking advantage of the situation Aya and Aki's cousin Kagami initiated the C-Project, a plan to use the power of celestial maidens around the world for the greater glory of the Mikages. To make things a little more complicated Aya has fallen in love with Tōya, a man with no memory of his past that was hired by the Mikages to capture Ceres. Can Aya survive her murderous family, rescue her brother, erase Ceres from within her, stop the C-Project, and start a romantic relationship with Tōya or will she succumb to the celestial maiden and destroy everything she loves?

"There was once a man who loved me... but he vanished. I wonder... if he really loved me, or simply saw that possessing me was the key... to power."



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