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Camp Infinity

by laufer last modified 2005-08-07 09:21 PM

Hi, me name is Lisa, and I think that Camp Infinity is a great experience for young women like me because we get exposed to more career ideas in the fields of science and technology.

During Camp Infinity, I have learned how to make my own website. I really enjoy experimenting with colors and fonts and adding cool pictures.

My Career Plans

After graduating from high school, I hope to attend the University of Chicago and go to medical school there. I want to major in the field of medicine although I am not sure of the specific field. During camp, I learned about some interesting careers involving science and technology from the speakers. I really enjoyed the tour to the computer labs and systems. I liked observing how the central computer systems operated on the campuses in the university. In addition, the campers here at loyola University got a chance to talk to the campers at the College of DuPage during the video session. It was interesting talking to the girls at the other college and finding out what they were doing at camp.

My Other Interests

Although I like learning about fields in science and technology, I also enjoy areas in fine arts. I love drawing, designing, and painting.

End Message

I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed Camp Infinity. It's great that camps like these let young women get exposed to areas where men usually dominate. It's also hard to believe how far technology has come. Overall, it was a great experience, and I would love to come back again!

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