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A Dreamer's Life

by laufer last modified 2005-08-07 11:35 PM

I live the life of a dreamer. Always thinking about the future and the great things it has to hold. Always thinking of the kind of life I will live in the future with all the materialistic things and the great morals I live by.

My Money Maker!

I would like to become a Mechanical Engineer in the future. I want to get my masters in math, just in case I want to change my major to some else related to math. I chose to become a Mechanical engineer becuase it comebinds my passion for math and science. I'm also considering becoming a crime sene technition becuase it comebinds my passion for science, law, and maybe math. I aspire to go to Notre Dame, Northwestern, or the University of Michigan. These are all excellant universities that would help me accomplish my career goals.

My Rewards!

When I complete my goal and I become very successful in my chosen career I will be able to reward my self with all the things I dreamed of. I will own the cars and trucks of my dreams over the years. I will own my own home containing all the thing I have dremt of having.For example, my basement will have a minibar with a plasma T.V. and black leather sofas, good for watching the sports game of my choice. In my house I also plan to have a room specially deticated to cars becuase I have a strong passion for cars!

Thank You Camp Infinity!!!

I want to thank Camp Infinity for giving me the oppertunity to meet some great women in technology. My favorite was Betty Cittuadine becuase she imformed me of new oppertunities to better myself. She imformed me of a collage bridge program I could participate in next summer that would help me greatly to become a great mechanical engineer. I also learned a lot from my experiance in meeting the DuPage campers. I learned that there is a lot of diversity in the world.

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