The Blue Roses
This is the website of Lisa, Brittany, Maxine, and Guadalupe. We chose our title because we all like the color blue and we all like roses.
1)How do you see yourself in the future?
Lisa: I see myself finishing medical school in the University of Chicago.
Brittany:I see myself as a successful neo natal nurse with a masters in nursing while living in my dreamhouse and driving my dream car.
Maxine:I can see myself studying for 5 years to have a masters in nursing.
Guadalupe:I see myself as a successful mechanical engineer with my dream truck, car, or both. I will have two masters one in math and one in mechanical engineering. I also see myself with the house of my dreams.
2)What are your hobbies?
Lisa: playing the piano, volleyball, reading, drawing
Brittany:doing hair, jumping double dutch,hanging out with friends and talkig on the phone.
Maxine:I like to spend time with my friends and family.
Guadalupe:Playing/watching football, playing volleyball, playing soccer, listening to music while reading or talking on the phone, and last, but not least haning out with my friends.
3)How would you describe yourself?
Lisa: I am smart and hardworking and determined.
Brittany: I would describe myself as smart, goofy, silly, hardworking and kind.
Maxine:I would say that I am
Guadalupe:I would describe myself as intelligant, outgoing, determine, funny when the time is apropriate, and serios when needed.
4)What are your biggest fears?
Lisa: I am scared of flying in airplanes.
Brittany: I am afraid of spiders.
Guadalupe:My biggest fear is of bees becuase of the dangerous reaction I have to their sting.
These are pictures of our group.