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by laufer last modified 2005-08-07 09:21 PM

We picked this name because three of our group members names start with "A." (Ashley, Alauna, and Abigail) Holly is where the "H" comes from!

Camp Infinity Hotties!

Alauna's Interview

For fun Alauna loves to go shopping and talk on her cell phone. She enjoys shopping at Woodfield and Gurnnee Mills! Over this summer she has gone to Wisconsin and Virgina. She went with her family and there they went to the beach and had a great time. She has been a multitude of places such as France, Germany and England. There is obsorbed the culture and even enjoys the food!!! She enjoys spending most of her time at the beach riding the waves. She also enjoys "chillin with her hoomies" in downtown Naperville. She spends most of her day eating when she isnt at that beach or mall. But otherwise she rocks out at the beach!

Ashley's Interview:

Something that Ashley loves to do is talk on the phone. She enjoys talking to John, Phil, Jacob, Ernie, Jason, Mike, Alex, Josh, Ben, Pat, Ally, Alisha, Dan, JD, Melissa, Katie, Jenn, Sam, and Matt. She also enjoys rockin like a rock star at concerts. She plays the guitar EVERY day and she can not get enough of it. She loves to chat online with her amigos. Music, music, music...that's what Ashley loves. She has over 10,000 cd's. JUST KIDDING she almost has a TON!!!(prolly 1,858 cd's away from her goal)When she's not listening to music, which is probably never, she's working. She has a job as a hostess at a restaurant, and LOVES it! That's pretty much all you need to know about Ashley and her life.

Abby's Interview

Q: Favorite Color? A: Pink & Black.

Q: Favorite Movie? A: Fools Rush In.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? A: Married With children and a career I enjoy..

Q: Nicknames: A: Abby.

Q: Hobbies? A: Dancing, Singing, Swimming, Sleep, Hanging out with Friends..

Q: Travel: A. Las Vegas, NY,FL, CA, Mexico, OK, Minnesota, Boston, AL..

Q: Wants to Travel: A: Tokyo.

Q: Musical Tastes? A: Alternative, Rap, R&B, and Techno.

Holly's Interview

Q: Favorite Color A: Red.

Q: Favorite Movie A: The Breakfast Club and Pulp Club.

Q: where you see yourself in 10 years A: Owning her own music label and married.

Q: Hobbies A: plays hockey, softball, plays wide varitey of instruments.

Q: Taveled A: Mexico, South America, Canada, Europe, Florida, and wants to go to Australia.

Q: Musical tastes A: punk rock, alternative, sub catagories off of that..

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