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by laufer last modified 2005-08-07 09:21 PM

Hey im Abigail

ABOUT ME... **My Name is Abigail but i like to be called Abby most of the time, I will be a junior at Hinsdale Central High School. I enjoy hangin out with my friends and family, i love to dance and i love to sing and be in the spot light. Im also very guffy, outspoken, and laid back and love to meet new people. I love to design clothes and jewelry im very much into fashion. I also love mucic alternative, pop, r&b, rap, techno. I love the state Alabama i would love to have a house there to go when ever i want to and stay there with my family, Alabama is very country and peace full and alot of my family memebers live there, also my mom was born and raised there but moved to Chicago. Chicago is the best city in the world and and they have the best food in the world also. My friends are a very big part of my life and they make me laugh alot and they have helped me form into the person that I am today. I have alot of intrusting storys to tell about funny things that have happended to me in my life cause i love to laugh and joke around, me and my sister kristin are very good at that lol. And i love my cell phone lol i cant go out the house with out it. Camp Infinity is alot of fun and i think all young women should have a chance to expericene like this.

My Current carrer thoughts: Im not very sure of what i want to do in the future but im very intrusted in designing and the arts but Science does intrust me.

Work Carrer: As for my work carrer i want to go to college after high school for what ever field I plan on going into

My Carrer plans:My carrer plans are to finish high school and go to college afterwards, Im very much into fashion and Im takeing classes in my high school for fashion merchandising and sewing. Im also into the arts such as dancing, acting, and singing becasue iv done all those things since i was a little girl. Im into science as well and i love kids and babys so it would be nice to work in a field of science that has to do with babys and childern at a hospital for instance.

Carrer Questions: How long does it take to apply for a college? And how long it takes to find out if you have gotten excepted?

Camp experience:Camp has been a blast and im really sad that camp is almost over, Iv gotten a chance to meet alot of cool girls that have the same intrest as me and If i could come back for another year i would cause it rocked hardcore that much. The counclers were alot of fun also and taught me things that i will carry with me becasue i know it will come in handy in the future if i go into a technology business.



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