The best friends any one could have
This is my bestess friend in the whole wide world Jessica. She's a blessing and I don't ever want anyone to replace her. She's like the sister I wish I had. She understands me and she's a really good influence on me, some what. Jessica's always there for me when I need help, guidance, someone to talk to, courage and she helps to cheer me up when I'm sad and blue or having "issues". She's outgoing, kind, always giving, loud, bold with a great personality.
What a wonderful person
Here's Tiffany. Now she's a really good influence on me. She's the mother to all of us. I look to Tiffany for moral support, friendship and help. Although Tiffany is a little shy and quiet, she's a really outgoing, very bright, kind, and loving person. There wouldn't be any replacing this friend ever.
What a loving person
I can't forget Akilah. She's the goofiest friend I've ever had. She also helps cheer me up when I'm sad. She's really really funny, bold, outgoing, loud and kind. I wouldn't trade her or her goofiness in for anything nor her personality.
what a funny person
Thank God for such wonderful friends