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My Experienece At Camp Infinity

by laufer last modified 2005-08-07 09:21 PM

Camp 2005

When I first began Camp Infinity I already knew what career I would go into, I wanted to be a pharmacist. I also thought that I knew what my career detailed me to do. I never in a million years thought that technology would be essential to my profession, but I was wrong. I didn't realize that pharmacist used technology on a daily basis. The camp helped me better understand what additional tools(technology, I would be needing in doing my job, as a pharmacist.

Us Eating Lunch at Camp. They gave us some good food. LoL LoL

While I was attending Camp Infinity, I began thinking more about the college that I would like to attend. I knw that I want to major in medicine. Some colleges offer 5 year pharmacy programs, so I will try and go to an university that offers this program. Prudue, University of Illinois and Howard Univeristy has them so I will probably apply to one of those.

More Pics Of Us At Camp Infinity

Nancy Burgess, One of the Speakers That Came to Talk to Us. She discussed technology in environmental sciences.

Another speaker, Betty Cittadine. I especially enjoyed her because she talked to us about The College Bridge Program.

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