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this party's dying so guitar-me

by laufer last modified 2005-08-07 09:21 PM

Fancy learning more about me?

about me:

Hello, my name is Jasmine, and I'm 15. I'm going to become a sophomore next year, and honestly cannot describe how excited I am with the fact that I will no longer have the title of "freshman" attached to my name. Some things that I enjoy include: listening to music, shopping, and playing with makeup & clothes (teehee). I love music because of the fact that it can be very influential on somone, which I find amazing, and loving shopping is self-explanatory. The makeup and clothes however, I just love how those two things can make you feel like a different person each day.

---random facts about me:

  • I absolutely l♥ve boys in tight pants....yeah. strange infatuation, right? I know.
  • I am Chinese, and lived in Hong Kong for a total of 4 years when I was younger.
  • I seem to be a total sucker for cult movies such as: Donnie Darko, Edward Scissorhands, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and, more recently, Napoleon Dynamite. (GOSH)
  • My favorite bands are: The Blood Brothers, Bright Eyes (I already told you, I'm emo), The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and The Faint. (this list is far from definite, I find new bands almost every week)

---my Career

Basically, I don't have any career thoughts, besides bagging some rich guy. Housewife for life! yeah. it was a joke. anyways....for my plans in the future:

career thoughts: For my career, I would simply want to find something that I would enjoy doing. At the moment, the career choices that are the most appealing to me would be anything in design or photography, especially in fashion. I am extremely excited about the fact that next year I will be taking a class on fashion merchandising, and will have the chance to design/create my own clothes.

how: To achieve my goal for fashion design, I plan to attend Columbia College in Chicago with a degree in fashion design. I know that it is extremely difficult to make it in the fashion world, but I would still like to get the chance and see where I can go.

questions & concerns: The only question I would have concerning my career would be whether or not I would be making enough money to fully support myself by simply designing. Would I have to take on another part-time job?

---my favorite speakers

My favorite speakers were definitely both of those that spoke on Wednesday, Betty Cittadine and Nancy Schumm. I enjoyed listening to Mrs. Cittadine because she introduced the opportunity to take certain classes in some colleges as a high schooler, which I am very interested in. Although those classes are not offered to suburban high schools, I am thinking of asking my school counselor to see if a similar opportunity is available. I also enjoyed listening to Mrs. Schumm because she had initially had a degree in fashion design with a side hobby of photography, which I found I could relate to, because I looove fashion and photography. Her speech showed me how you may think you want to go into one profession, but wind up in an area of work that is entirely different.


oh oh its jasmine! (and dang do I look supa fugly)

and theres me in the middle.

and theres me in the middle again.....its because I'm short, isn't it?

I quite love photography, and this is one of the pieces I've done. I ♥ adobe photoshop!

more photoshop schtuff.....

Here's another pic of me. (It's fun taking pictures of myself. Because I'm that vain.)

and this is the love of my life. Conor Oberst from Bright Eyes<3333

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