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Lizzies Life

by laufer last modified 2005-08-07 09:21 PM

What's Up

What I'm About: My name is Elizabeth. Iam going to talk about some of the things I enjoy in life and some of my hopes and dreams.

My Familyand Pals- My life is alright I have a wonderful. My mom, dad,my big sis Kim and her huby Bobby, my 2 nephews and neice.Then I have nice buddies like Jaenne, Arielle, Veronica, Kizzy,Nicole,Crystal,Joenita,Kristen, and other beautiful peole in my life. I also have special women in my life O call my aunts

My Activities- I like watching Tv, eating ,playing volleyball and softball,dancing,and singing.

My career plans - I want to go into a field of science and later on the side start my on buisness.I wil achieve thi by going to college and gainig more knowledge about science and buisness.

My Questions - how long does it take to achieve a doctrates in science and a minor in buisness management and administrtion?

This is me.

  • The Speakers were all very nice and help me learn more about their fields of work.I really enjoyed -Then press ENTER add another DASH then SPACE, and write some more text.

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