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Tamer's Page

by laufer last modified 2008-01-08 09:23 PM

Basically you can know about me and my life.

All About Me

Hi ! I am Tamer and I am a Junior at Hyde Park Career Academy. I like music and technology very much because they go togther well. I play the violin, piano, harp and guitar and sing first soprano. I like to listen to music( basically any kind of music except country or heavy metal)especially reggatone.I like listening to Alicia Keys, Regina Carter, Daddy Yankee And Pitbull. When I go to college I hope to attend medical school and become a pediatrician. I love working with younger children and being a role model to people. Speaking of role model,Alicia Keys has always been my role model. Regina Carter has also been my role model beacuse i was inspired by her to play the violin after I went to her conret at the Krannert Center in Champaign, IL. I also am studing her music. I always try to be right by people.

More About my Future Life

As I said before I hope to be a computer science and music major at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. I love computers beacuse you can explore new things everyday. You can also take advantage of the opportunities for technology careers. I would like to show that I think its nice to express youself though creativity with the help of an computer. world what I learned about computers because computers are all over the world. As far as music I hope to have some CD's out because I like to share my gifts with others. I play my instruments in church and I even played for the homeless many times and it felt so special. I play for my family and friends so its coming togther very well.


1) Staring Violin in 2nd grade

2) Starting Piano in 5th grade

3) Staring Harp in 6th grade

4) Graduating with honors from St. Sabina

5)Playing at Cardnial Francis George Bernadine's Residence for a school fundraiser.

6)Receiving "Kuumba" award for playing violin in school and church (Kuumba means Creativity in Swahili)

Left to Right (Me, My Role Model Alicia Keys, My Role Model Regina Carter)

Watch The Great Debaters (2007) Free Online!

My Favorite Speaker

Mrs. Cathy Brune because she started off just like me with her musical carrer. As she got older she went into business where she was challenged more and she inspired me to belive in whatever i do just like other people have in the past. She makes another person that wants me as a young woman to do anything I dream to accomplish. Now she works for Allstate and she is the CEO of the company.

Some of my own Sites

1) Http://

2) Http://

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