Foreshadowing my future.
In five years I see myself doing many things.
In the year 2010 I will be a Junior in College and hopefully pursuing some sort of career I enjoy. In 3 years I will be graduating from high school and then going on to college. I'm very interested in possibly going to Loyola and majoring in Biology. I'm not sure what specific field of biology, but I do like the idea of having the oppurtunity to study in one of the best biology departments in the nation and all the while doing something I enjoy.The many different fields encompassed in biology, give me the oppurtunity to experience many different aspects of the area that I really do enjoy learning about. Biology also gives me the oppurtunity to travel and doesn't force me to stay in soley one area for much of my life. This is an idea that I am playing around with currently, but the more I think about it, the more I think I may have a good chance at succeeding with possibly some sort of double major in Biology and Computer Science.
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