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by laufer last modified 2005-05-19 09:03 PM

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new this is italics.

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Undergraduate Degree Programs
We offer several Bachelor of Science degree programs: the newly revised Computer Science major and three new specialized majors. In addition, the new Bioinformatics major is being launched in fall 2005. We also offer two double majors with Mathematics and Physics, respectively, and a Minor in Computer Science. Finally, students can enroll in our recently streamlined dual-degree B.S./M.S. program.
Graduate Degree Programs
We offer a Master of Science degree in Computer Science. Undergraduates presently in our department with strong background are urged to consider the dual-degree B.S./M.S. option.

for bullet pts B.S. in Bioinformatics new

|Course Listings| |Undegraduate Index| |Graduate Index|


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