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Kaz's Page

by laufer last modified 2005-08-08 10:56 AM — expired

HI! Thanks for coming to my site.

ABOUT ME My name is Kazimiera and I am 14 years old. I live in a south suburb of Chicago. I live with my parents and my three cats, Buffy, Mouse, and Lola. I am very close to my brother Nick. He is currently serving in the military and he is stationed in Florida. Even though Florida may be just a phone call away, it's still hard to be away from him.

MY INTRESTS I listen to my music all the time. I also live at the movie theatre, partly because of the movies, partly because of the popcorn with extra butter. I love my friends, and we go out together all the time. Me and my friends go to movies, we go bowling, we go to the mall, and we spend the night at each other's houses.

MY FRIENDS Gabby: She talks ALOT, but we never get bored with each other and we always have a good time. She also has a huge heart.

Linda: She's CRAZY. She always keeps me laughing and she's my movie buddy.

Merrisa: We grew up together and we live on the same street. We hang out almost everyday.

Michelle: She loves to dance, so it takes up most of her time. We listen to the same music, so when we do hang out that is alot of what we do. We also go to the mall together

Kelsey: We used to be best friends because we also grew up together. Me, her, and Merrisa all grew up on the same block and we are all only a few months apart in age. As we got older she got preoccupied with her other friends and her boyfriend, and she began to spend more time with them. Even though we are not best friends anymore, we still talk and every Tuesday night she comes over to my house and we watch the new season of "THE REAL WORLD" on MTV.

MY CAREER Right now, I'm not exactly sure what I want to do, but I do have some ideasand I'm looking for more.

  1. I could be a photojournalist for "NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC" magazine. I grew up admiring the gorgeous pictures in the magazine and I also love to write. Also this job would allow me to travel, which I love.
  2. I was also thinking of opening my own cafe. I love to eat and I think it would be fun to share my passion for cooking with other people.

It's me! I love this dog!



My favorite speaker was Feven. She was really easy to relate to and she was very educated. She also talked about Ethiopia, and the weather, and she told us funny stories of how she got here. She didn't spend the whole time talking about Computer Science, she added into her speech personal stories that kept us interested. She also anwsered all our questions, no matter how off the wall they were and she kept us laughing the whole time. Feven has accomplished so many things in her academic carrer that she is truly inspiring.


On Wednesday, July 27th, we had a video conference with the College of DuPage Camp Infinity participants. Although the image of the girls was blurry, it was still cool to realize that we were live talking to eachother. It was fun to ask the girls questions about themselves and exchange jokes. I thought the video conference was a rerally good idea, except the College of DuPage girls weren't as talkative as us rowdy Chicago girls.

On Thursday, July 28th, we were able to meet the girls we had talked to through the video conference on Wednesday. The College of DuPage girls were much more welcoming and talkative in person. It was cool to show them what we had done on our webpages and it was also cool to see the work they did using FLASH.

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