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"Crazy?" yeah i know

by laufer last modified 2005-08-08 10:56 AM — expired

So I'm sitting here trying to find something to write not knowing what to write. So I'm just having fun writng about what I been doin and what I really want to do with my life. So read this not all of it, but pieces and it will tell you what i want to do with my life.

My Current Career Thoughts. I have wanted to be a lawyer ever since I was A little girl, but I was just at a conference not even a week ago. While at this conference I might of realize what I would like to do that's just not law. I would like to open up my own daycare A 24hr daycare for teen mothers that are trying to go to school and work. There are not many 24hr daycares in chicago. My uncle Leo owns his own businees(National Center for Violence Intrepution) he works with teens and he and I both think that it would be a good thing if we would have a 24hr daycare throught his company

What Do I Think I Want To Do For My Work Career? I think that I know so many people that will do anything in the world for me that I could ask one of them for help and they would say " yeah sure anything for little Josephine." I know the dean of Unversity of Illinise College she could probably get me a job there or help me get at scholarship there. I know professors at so many different unversities that my options our open so much that you or could even imagine.

Career Questions?? At frist I was upset and said "I wasn't going to college." but now I'm saying when I do got to college I don't know what I want to major in. This time last year I knew that I only want to be a lawyer, but now I don't know what I want to do, but I do know what I want to be. So many different things. It's not that I don't want to work in the criminal justice at all because that is what my other things im thinking about is. working with man and woman going in and out of jail, how there families. i know that i would have alot of fun doing that.

Career Concerns?? i know that i do want to write a book. my mother my grandmother my sisters and broithers lives have all been crazy and i know that off of their lives i would make alot of money. but not only off of them there lives but i would i make alot of money off of them. but i still think that i would make alot of money off of mine own story too. so yeah i really do think im going to do that. its the best thing that i have came up with in a while. cuase im always coming up with somethng new for me to do and this i know that i could and have fun with it too. so keep a eye out for my book around 2008 ir 2009 because it will probabvly be about me and my high school yeras and my first year out of high school.

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